IoD Leadership Lens Survey

We are cognisant that the elections are less than 18 months away and our aim is to prepare a manifesto based on our membership's vision for a competitive Jersey. 

To that end we are approaching this goal in a methodical and logical manner. 

Firstly, we will assess data gleaned from our member base and that of the Chamber of Commerce, Jersey Business and Digital Jersey who have kindly agreed to assist. 

This data will be collated through a survey of economic confidence, with some further questions gathering evidence of matters brought to our attention that reveal the true picture of the economic situation in Jersey at present.  

On 24 April we will be hosting a debate, looking at a SWOT analysis of our island, discussing the strengths we should leverage into opportunities to make us a truly competitive jurisdiction, and the weaknesses that are ultimately threatening the sustainability of our island economy. Further details of this debate will be released shortly.    

Following the debate, we will form (a) working group(s) to set out a vision and strategy for Jersey through the lens of our members. The output of this exercise will importantly inform a manifesto which we hope will influence potential candidates of the direction needed to sustain and grow our island economy.

To be part of this important work we need your input. The survey should only take 10 minutes of your time but we hope will provide meaningful data to help inform the structure of the debate and indeed our interaction with the Department for the Economy, Minister for Sustainable Economic Development and the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services.

Please complete the survey here: (QR code below).  The survey will close on 31 January 2025.