Jersey Sport to deliver a pilot Performance Sport Programme and seek members to join working group


  • Jersey Sport commissioned by Government of Jersey to set athlete performance requirements and distribute grant funding to successful athletes in 2024
  • The Performance Sport Programme will commence in 2024 via an initial pilot scheme
  • The programme will largely be a grant-based scheme, with funding directed at individual athletes
  • Jersey Sport are seeking members of the local sporting community with experience of performance sport to join a working group the programme will be designed in collaboration with

The initiative follows the government’s ‘Enabling Athletes to Thrive’ Strategy, published in November 2023, and will be implemented through funding of £120,000 secured in the previous Government Plan. The new Performance Sport programme will be piloted in 2024 and reviewed for delivery in 2025 and beyond.

During this pilot, the Performance Sport programme will support a targeted and focused pool of talented athletes who are currently performing at or have the potential to perform at the highest level in their respective sport.

A Performance Sport Working Group will be established by Jersey Sport to contribute towards the programme design and to establish a longer-term, holistic programme for athletes, coaches and officials.

During its pilot year, the Performance Sport programme will largely be a grant-based scheme, whilst exploring how multi-disciplinary support services can be offered and utilised. Funding will be directed at individual athletes during the initial year, with a view to support coaches and officials in the near future.

Jersey Sport is now welcoming expressions of interests from members of the local sporting community who have experience of operating within performance sport to join a working group who will help design the pilot programme.

Applications can be made on the Jersey Sport website at:

Andy Jehan, Minister for Infrastructure and Assistant Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, with responsibility for sport said: ”We know that performing at the highest levels requires funding as well as talent and determination and these grants go some way to helping our athletes reach their potential. I am grateful to Jersey Sport for agreeing to take on responsibility for delivering this programme; I am hopeful that we will learn from the pilot and develop something that increasingly supports athletes in the most appropriate way.''

Elliot Powell, Head of Sport and Physical Activity at Jersey Sport said: ”Jersey Sport are delighted to have been commissioned to take this programme forward, following the Government’s ‘Enabling Athletes to Thrive’ Strategy. Jersey Sport are committed to establishing and delivering a high performance programme that inspires, supports and develops local sport organisations to produce and equip talented athletes, coaches and officials with the attributes and resources to pursue careers in professional or elite sport to international and world levels. We’re excited to be working with local partners to help Jersey’s talented athletes reach their full potential.

To find out more about Jersey’s new Performance Sport programme, and for details about how to apply to the Performance Sport Working Group, please visit: