Membership Directory - Corporate

Jersey Stroke Support Limited


Company Website Address:
Company Description: Jersey Stroke Support is a locally registered charity and we advocate for post-stroke reviews to be delivered to stroke survivors on Island. We also provide support to anyone affected by stroke and we aim to raise awareness about stroke in Jersey, including stroke prevention. A post-stroke review is a structured holistic review carried out by trained staff who have knowledge of stroke. A stroke is a brain injury - over 140 people in Jersey each year are affected by stroke. Two million brain cells die every minute during a stroke, it’s the leading cause of adult disability in the UK. The charity would like to engage with local schools, the public and corporates to raise awareness about risk factors for stroke and stroke prevention. We also want to raise awareness about the F.A.S.T message (Face, Arm, Speech, Time) which could save someone’s life by recognising the signs of a stroke.
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