Visitor Economy

Visitor Economy

The Committee comprises of representatives from the island’s airline and shipping companies as well as individuals involved in the island’s hospitality and tourism sector.

We seek opinions from key stakeholders within the transport and tourism industries to understand the issues facing this vital sector of the economy. We take the concerns from our Members to Government to seek out the best way to grow the Island economy.

Our strong links with Visit Jersey and the Jersey Hospitality Association are an important part of the process; these are some of the key relationships we constantly build upon.

Tim Crowley

Chair Visitor Economy Committee

Tim is the managing director of La Mare Wine Estate & Distillery and Maison De Jersey. He is also a non-executive director of Jersey War Tunnels Ltd and a Trustee of Jersey Hospice Care.

His career and education in Tourism started in Ireland before he moved to Jersey in 1988 to work in retail management before taking over the leadership role at La Mare in 1998. Tim was an inaugural board member of Visit Jersey Ltd and served for nine years (retired Oct 2023). He was a founder member of the Genuine Jersey Product Association and served on its management committee for ten years.

His strategic and operational experience reaches across tourism, retail, and food & drink manufacturing for the past 30 years.

Tim was named SME Director of the Year in the 2017 national IoD Awards and the business he leads has also won accolades for its environmental green business leadership.
