Mike Osborne

Mike Osborne
Chair Building, Housing & Enviroment Committee
Mike is Managing Director of Ronez, the leading quarrying, and building materials supplier in the Channel Islands. The business has been operating for over 150 years from the north coast quarry site, with operations in concrete, asphalt, contracting and shipping across Jersey and Guernsey.
After an early career as a mining engineer in underground operations in the southern hemisphere, Mike moved into the quarrying and building materials field, developing businesses in central Europe before moving to Jersey to lead Ronez in 2007.
40 years experience in potentially hazardous industries and working environments has moulded Mike’s passion for the highest standards of health and safety in the workplace, sitting for nine years on the Jersey Safety Council. Commercial opportunities for low carbon building materials are being developed at Ronez, which will become increasingly important as Jersey pursues carbon reduction targets.