Jim Hopley

Jim Hopley
Special Advisor, Voluntary Sector
Jim has resided in Jersey since 1979. He retired in 2011 after a forty year career in retailing from the position of Chief Executive of the Channel Islands Co-operative Society, one of the Island's largest commercial organisations and the first business to be given the Environment accolade at the Jersey Enterprise Awards (2010).
He is a graduate of Nottingham University with a joint-honours degree in Economics / Economic History and the holder of a number of management qualifications.
Before assuming the role of Chair of Chamber's Sustainable Business Forum, Jim sat on this committee, along with the Retail Committee where he fronted involvement with the authorities on a number of issues including Sunday Trading, GST and the proposed new Licensing Law.
Jim acts as Chamber’s Special Advisor on matters relating to Sustainable Business and the Voluntary and Community Sector.
In addition, in a honorary capacity, Jim sits on a multitude of committees and boards holding a variety of offices and involvements.